November 26, 2021


Person using phone application after car accident


Unlike home insurance, car insurance is something every driver is legally required to have in California if they don’t want to face penalties from the police if they’re ever discovered driving without it. Insurance protects you, your passengers, and other drivers on the road. While it’s true that driving cars in the 21st century is much safe than in decades past, that doesn’t mean you have to accept the insurance rates offered to you as is.

There are things you can do to lower your insurance rates and pay less per month. Here are three of the bigger factors.

Get Verified Defensive Driving Lessons

Monthly insurance premiums are decided by how big a risk the insurance company thinks you may be. The more likely you appear to get into a car accident, the higher the premium will be. The opposite also holds true, with lower rates for drivers that present less of an accident risk. That being said don’t take chances by being uninsured

Taking and passing a defensive driving course from a certified school is one way to reduce premiums. Proof of passing shows that you are serious about driving safely and that you’ve reduced your risk of getting into an accident.

Increase Your Deductible

When you get into a car accident and pay for repairs, insurance will cover the remainder of the repair costs after your deductible has been paid. The deductible is how much of your own money you are willing to pay before insurance steps in to cover the rest.

The lower your deductible is, the higher your monthly rates will be. On the other hand, if you’re willing to have a higher deductible because you think you’re unlikely to get into an accident, the lower the monthly rate will be.

Install Safety Device

Anything that reduces your risk of getting into an incident reduces your premiums. Anti-theft devices, for example, reduce the likelihood of your car being victimized by crime. Installing a dashboard camera means that you are now getting an accurate recording of any traffic incident, meaning that if an accident occurs and you’re not at fault, you can now easily prove it to police and insurers by providing video evidence. Take defensive driving courses, meaning you’re an experienced driver.

These types of safety precautions reduce risks and even mitigate insurance issues in the event of an accident. Insurance companies reward this kind of safety consideration with lower monthly rates.

Contact us

If you’d like to know more about getting the most out of your car insurance near Northridge, CA, we can help. Contact Panorama Insurance Agency, Inc. We can assess your needs and find the policy that works for you.

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