Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial Car Insurance

Business owners in Northridge, CA often have one or more vehicles that they rely on throughout the day. Whether it’s a limo, a taxi, a delivery vehicle, or just a work truck you use to get from Jobsite to Jobsite, staying protected and keeping your vehicle protected is a must.

Good commercial car insurance in California is something that can’t be overlooked, and something that provides you with protection for the vehicles that you depend on and those who may be impacted by them.

What Kind Of Commercial Car Insurance Coverage Do You Need?

Every Northridge, CA business is different, which means that getting the right kind of commercial car insurance is often something that involves spending time comparing different policies and what they provide. In order to know that you’re protected, you have to assess the risks that your business faces and that your vehicles may face as well.

Of all the challenges and risks for businesses today, distracted drivers are among the biggest. Distracted driving causes around 46% of all accidents today, which means that getting and staying protected is more important than ever. You’ll have to assess the risks and the amount of coverage that you want in order to get a policy that actually keeps your vehicles and you protected.

Types of Vehicles You Can Cover

Commercial car insurance policies can cover virtually every type of vehicle on Northridge, CA roads. Common vehicles covered include:

  1. Cargo vans
  2. Limos
  3. Taxis
  4. Buses
  5. SUVs
  6. Pickup trucks
  7. Company cars

However, what is important to keep in mind is that it isn’t so much the type of vehicle that will impact your commercial car insurance policy needs – it’s also the way they’re used. Everything from how often they’re driven to how many miles they travel to exactly what they are used for will have an impact on whether or not your vehicle has the right level of protection.

What Will Commercial Car Insurance Provide Coverage For?

Every commercial car insurance policy is different. However, they’re all similar to traditional car insurance when it comes to the basic coverage you’ll get. Every policy will have things like liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage available.

But beyond this, every policy must be tailored to your specific business. Commercial car insurance policies will combine different types of coverage to create a policy you can trust to keep you protected. Some of the elements you’ll have to pay attention to will include the following.

  1. Collision– This is the basic element of coverage that is designed to pay for damage done to your vehicles if you or an employee causes an accident on the roads.
  2. Comprehensive– Also called ‘other than collision’, this provides maximum protection for your vehicle. It includes coverage for all damages done to your vehicle including things like theft, vandalism, weather, and more.
  3. Bodily Injury Liability– When an accident occurs that harms others, it’s important that you have coverage that protects you from lawsuits or damages. This aspect of commercial car insurance provides compensation for medical costs, funeral costs, and lawsuit costs when someone is injured in an accident caused by you or an employee.
  4. Property Damage Liability– The sister coverage to bodily injury liability, this coverage element is there to provide protection from damage done to property. The limits and deductibles in place will be the determining factors in how much coverage is awarded in property damages. For many, investing in a low-cost umbrella liability policy is a good idea here.
  5. Medical Payments– This coverage provides protection for medical or funeral expenses for you, your drivers, your passengers, and anyone else involved in an accident.
  6. Uninsured Motorists– This protects you against injuries or damages sustained in an accident caused by a motorist who doesn’t have proper insurance. It will cover for damages and injuries based on the limits you choose in your policy.

What About Personal Use?

It’s common for small business owners in Northridge, CA to use their own vehicles for work-related purposes. But the reality is that most commercial car insurance policies won’t’ cover your personal vehicle when used for business. This is especially true if your employees are using their own personal vehicles during the day.

Talking to your insurance specialist is the best way to ensure that you stay protected no matter what and that your commercial vehicles are taken care of as well. If you need Northridge, CA commercial car insurance, talking to our team is the first step towards getting the coverage you need. Contact our team today to get your initial quote and see how we can help you.

Contact us now or call us at (818) 514-1916

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