Car Insurance

what is the average cost of a non-incapacitating injury

One popular way to lower your car insurance rates in California is to lower the amount of coverage you have on older paid-off cars. Typically, cars that have been financed via a loan ...

“Does liability insurance cover hail damage” headline over an illustration of hail damaging a car and house—emphasizing the need for comprehensive or dwelling coverage.

When those golf ball-sized hailstones start pummeling your car or home, your first thought might be, “Will my insurance cover this?” It’s a common and important question, especially in regions prone to severe ...

can i drive a company car without my own insurance

Most companies allow employees to use company vehicles for personal use. It could be checking on your child in the middle of the day, buying groceries, or driving to the grocery store using ...

how to submit an insurance claim

You were just peacefully driving on your way home— and then boom! A distracted driver didn’t stop at an intersection and rammed into the front of your vehicle. Or, a driver rammed a ...

Delivery man walking across the street with package in hand

Van and truck owners who do last-mile deliveries in California face numerous risks. For instance, vehicles in parking lots are targeted by vandals looking for a quick kill. A theft and vandalism incident ...

what is sr 22 coverage

If you’re guilty of a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or driving without insurance violation, the state may require you to provide an SR-22. SR-22 is a certificate that indicates a driver has ...

Home burning due to forrest fire in California, firefighter truck parked in front

Normally, a regular homeowners policy is designed to cover your home against smoke and fire damage. This protection extends to forest fires as well. If a wildfire destroys your dwelling, your home insurance ...

Light Blue 1930 shinny Mercedes Benz in exhibition

Collectors’ car insurance caters to the unique risks and circumstances in the classic car category. On the other hand, traditional car insurance covers any type of vehicle. Car collectors have an eye for ...

car keys on top of insurance policy

What Car Insurance Coverage Do You Need? When you need to purchase car insurance in California, you have different coverage options. Some people might be tempted to have the bare minimum to save ...