June 1, 2021


Family enjoying ride in brand new car

Car insurance is not only a requirement for car buyers in California, it is an instrument that protects you and your loved ones from serious financial loss in case of an accident. Check out these tips for buying car insurance before signing the deal.

Top 5 Tips For First-Time Car Insurance Buyers

Know Which Documents To Prepare

Car insurance providers in California will ask you for a few personal details, including your driver’s license number, name, and date of birth.

They will also ask for your vehicle’s information (year, make, VIN), when it was purchased, the registered owner, its mileage, and where it is garaged. Insurance providers also ask about your prior coverage.

Since you are a first-time car insurance buyer, you will need to provide information about your parent’s policy if you were ever under their policy. You should prepare these details before you start looking for insurance or asking for quotes.

Don’t Get Coverage That Meets The Minimum Legal Requirement

Car insurance is not cheap, so you’re probably tempted to get coverage that just meets your state’s minimum requirement. This is, however, not a very good idea. Remember that your insurance is supposed to help you pay for any damages and medical bills in case of an accident. An insurance policy with low coverage amount may leave you paying for a larger cost out-of-pocket.

How much coverage should you carry, then? Ideally, your policy should include coverage for different liabilities (i.e., bodily injury, property damage, collision coverage, medical payments, etc.). You should also take into account protection from uninsured or underinsured drivers. Ultimately, these will protect you and your assets in the future.

Collect Car Insurance Quotes From Different Insurers

Like buying a car, you need to shop around and compare different offers. Compare your options—their policies, how fast they process claims, their customer service—so you make an informed decision that is not based only on price. You would not want to get stuck with an insurance provider that leaves you on hold for hours on end.
Nowadays, getting a quote is relatively easy. Most providers, lets you ask for a quote online and give you the option to speak directly with an agent. All you need is the details about yourself, your car, and your previous coverage.

The Deductible Question

A lot people opt for a high deductible plan to save on premiums. If you are trying to save on premiums, this is indeed, an effective tactic. However, you should be aware that this comes with risk. A high deductible means you need to pay a certain amount out-of-pocket.

How To Get Discounts

First, ask your agent what discounts they offer to see if you can qualify for them. Most providers offer discounts for the following:

1.    Extra safety features for your car (i.e., anti-theft devices)
2.    Safe drivers (the less accidents you get into, the lower your premiums and the more discounts you may get).
3.    Low mileage
4.    Good credit
5.    Use paperless billing and set up auto pay
6.    Opt for annual payments

Contact us

Get a quote from Panorama in Northridge, CA now. Call: 818-781-6630.

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