January 7, 2022


Man holding in his han hologram with insurance solutions


Sole proprietorships, small businesses, and large companies should all consider having general liability insurance. The coverage isn’t necessarily a requirement for every firm, but having a policy could prove worthwhile in the end. After all, these plans typically cover lawsuits, settlements, and investigations. They also usually take care of legal defense fees, injury damages, and advertising claims. Of course, these items only begin to scratch the surface, as general liability insurance covers much more.

However, did you know there are some things a general liability insurance policy won’t cover in Northridge, CA? It’s true. And that is actually why we are here today, to discuss three particular items not handled by the plans. So, if that’s something that interests you, don’t go away just yet. Instead, stick around and read on to learn more.

Business Property Damage

If your business property gets damaged in one way or another, you may want to file an insurance claim to pay for repairs. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that. After all, who wants to cover such expenses out of pocket? Nobody, that’s who. But if damage to your business property occurs in California, you’ll be barking up the wrong tree with general liability insurance. That is because these types of claims are covered by commercial property insurance.

Professional Service Mistakes

Do you offer professional services? For instance, are you a plumber who solders copper pipes? That’s an excellent skill to have if that’s the case, but if you mess up, a fire could break out in the blink of an eye as well. Then, you’ll need to file an insurance claim to fix the damage. However, that claim cannot be filed with general liability insurance. Rather, these kinds of claims are covered by professional liability insurance. Work-Related Illnesses/Injuries

Last but certainly not least are work-related injuries and illnesses. These are items, which are also not covered by general liability insurance. Don’t worry, though. You won’t have to pay for the issues out of pocket as long as you have workers’ compensation insurance, as these types of claims are covered by it.

If you need general liability insurance or other coverages for your Northridge business, don’t hesitate to contact Panorama, where a representative will provide you with a quote. We are an independent agency that has access to many insurance products. After comparing plans and prices, the agent will then be able to recommend the best policy for you. 

Think of joining Amazon Relay?
You’ll need the right insurance




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