June 1, 2021


Your first house purchased and insured in California

One of the best feelings in life is getting to buy your first house, but in order to really enjoy this achievement, it is important to get your first ever home protected and secured by a homeowners insurance coverage in California.

You might be too excited to explore your brand new house and get a feel of what success is like, but before you forget, here are two things you should know about homeowners insurance and what you should expect.

What to know about Homeowners Insurance

1.    Apply For A Homeowners Insurance Early – You should apply for a homeowners insurance as early as the moment you are at least 80% sure of the house that you are getting.

You do not really have to wait to actually move in and live in your new home for a couple of days before applying for one.

As soon as you spot your dream home, the next step is to look for homeowners insurance coverage.

Shopping for a homeowners insurance near Northridge, CA also gives you time to properly assess and decide on the types of coverage you would want to get. You can be more familiar with the ins and outs of the coverage plan and you can properly decide on what you think you will really need.

Early application also allows the insurer to prepare and get all necessary documentations ready so when the time for moving in finally comes, you are all set and worry-free.

2.    Know What’s Covered In Your Homeowners Insurance Plan – From rebuilding your house to replacing your personal belongings, a lot of things can be covered in your homeowners insurance plan. To give you a clearer idea, here is a simple breakdown of what to expect:

1.    Personal Items – Homeowners insurance coverage usually include replacement and repairs of your own personal belongings that may have been damaged by fire or suffered theft. Personal items include appliances and electronics, kitchenware, furniture, clothing, jewelry, and even carpets and rugs.

2.    Structure – Your house’s structure is also covered by a homeowners insurance. This means that payment for rebuilding or repairing your home after being damaged will be paid for. Of course, there are also specific situations wherein some causes may not be considered but that is completely dependent on your insurance provider. For instance, some homeowners insurance plans in Califonia do not include repairs that are caused by floods or home accidents.

3.    Liability Insurance – Your medical expenses can also be covered under the homeowners insurance plan. At the same time, under liability insurance, the damages that you and your fellow housemates caused to another property can also be included in the plan.

It is indeed exciting to finally have a home you can be proud of.

Getting a homeowners insurance coverage ensures that you can enjoy this luxury and the fruits of your hard work for a long time. We would love to share this joy with you.

Contact us

If you have questions or are in need of guidance about homeowners insurance policies, don’t hesitate to reach out Panorama now. Call: 818-781-6630

Think of joining Amazon Relay?
You’ll need the right insurance




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