June 2, 2021


Umbrella stopping a recking ball


When purchasing a home or auto insurance for you and your family, you should consider investing in umbrella coverage.


 Umbrella insurance in California is a type of coverage that is activated when your other coverages are insufficient to meet a claim. It also broadens what you are covered for without requiring you to buy additional policies. Umbrella insurance helps to protect you if there is ever a claim filed against you. Here are five reasons to consider investing in umbrella insurance in California.

1. You Have A Long Commute

It makes sense. The more you drive, the more likely you are to get into an accident. Auto accident claims can be very steep, especially because of the rising cost of medical care in the United States. Oftentimes a good auto insurance policy with high limits is still not enough to pay for all the damages in an accident.

If you have umbrella insurance when your auto insurance coverages max out, your umbrella insurance will be activated and you won’t have to pay out of pocket for claims.

2. You Like To Entertain

If you love to have people over or have a bar or pool at your California home, you need umbrella insurance. When people are on your property, you are legally responsible for providing them safe conditions.

If one day, someone is at your house and they trip and fall, they may file a claim against your insurance for their injuries. If your homeowner’s insurance is not enough to cover them, then your umbrella insurance can kick in.

3. You Have A Teenager

Teenagers cause a lot of havoc sometimes because they are still learning how to be responsible. This is especially true if you have a teen driver.

If your teen causes an accident, an umbrella insurance policy can ensure that you have the financial resources to cover the damages.

Your umbrella insurance will activate if your other coverages are inadequate.

4. You Have A Dog

Dogs are man’s best friends, but sometimes they do not always like strangers. If you have a guest on your property and your dog bites them, you will be liable for the incident and have to pay for the damages.

Most homeowners insurance policies will cover a dog bite on your property, but if your dog bites someone at the dog park or on a walk, you may be liable. In those cases, your umbrella insurance will help you pay for the damages.

5. Claims Can Be Expensive

Claims are extremely expensive. Claims can easily enter the six figures, especially if there was an injury. Even a good insurance policy is not always enough to cover an expensive claim. Fortunately, your umbrella insurance will help pay for any damages from expensive claims.

Contact us

These are just some of the circumstances where umbrella insurance will be very helpful. For more, speak to an agent at Panorama Northridge, CA. We’ll explain all the ways that umbrella coverage will protect you and your family. Then we’ll help you find an umbrella policy that will meet all your needs. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.

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