August 6, 2021


Ensure Your Roof Doesn't Start Leaking With These Tips


Home insurance policies sometimes cover roof leaks. When that’s the case and incidents occur, homeowners can file claims, pay their deductibles, and recoup losses. However, just because people can do those things, that doesn’t mean that they want to or should. Yes, it is nice to get stuff repaired and replaced after water damage happens, but that could also increase your rates, and who needs that today?

If you are all about avoiding home insurance claims, you’ve come to the right place. We are sharing some tips that can help prevent roof leaks from forming. Then, after applying the advice, hopefully, rain won’t wreak havoc on your house or belongings.

Schedule Roof Inspections Twice Per Year

Most roofing contractors suggest that homeowners have their roofs inspected two times a year. During these examinations, technicians can find minor problems and fix them before they worsen. Then again, the professionals might not find anything wrong and give your roof a clean bill of health as well. Either way, the ventures can ensure that leaks don’t develop.

Clean The Gutters To Keep Them Flowing Freely

Gutters direct rainwater away from the foundations of structures. That stops ground erosion and other things from becoming problems. However, when the channels get clogged with dirt and debris, the H2O that falls from the sky has nowhere to go. Instead, it pools on the roof, and that’s when moisture can find its way inside the home via cracks, crevices, or holes. Hence, it’s in your best interest to keep those gutters nice and clean if you don’t want roof leaks.

Trim The Trees Above The House

Last but certainly not least, you’re going to want to keep the limbs on trees above the house trimmed. Branches are nice because they produce shade, but they could break if they get too heavy and full. When these flying projectiles hit roofs, they rip away shingles and sometimes knock holes in decking. Are you trying to avoid roof leaks? If so, trimming the trees hanging over your structure could do the trick.

Do you reside in Northridge, CA, and are you looking for top-notch homeowners insurance? Those that answered yes should feel free to reach out to us for a quote. Our independent agency has access to multiple companies and numerous insurance products. So, please, don’t hesitate to contact Panorama for all of your homeowners and other insurance needs.

Think of joining Amazon Relay?
You’ll need the right insurance




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