June 1, 2021


Crane man safely locking the car in the crane


The cost of renting and towing is two things that many people are looking for when choosing car insurance in California. This is definitely one of the cheaper insurance options you can choose to help if needed. But are these two covered under your current car insurance policy?

What happens in most accident cases?

If you get into a car accident, one of the things you don’t want is to worry about how you will get around while your vehicle is being repaired.

Most car policies do not cover the cost of a replacement car following an accident. Still, rental reimbursement and towing coverage are two inexpensive options you may add to your policy.

What Is Rental Reimbursement?

Rental reimbursement coverage can be added to your premium to your car insurance policy for just a few extra dollars per month.

The average amount of time following an accident a vehicle is in the shop for repairs is approximately 14 days.

Without this coverage, you will find that the total cost of a rental car for those 14 days can be quite costly.

When this coverage is part of your policy, it is typically subject to a daily and per accident limit.

Towing and Roadside Assistance

Another thing you might consider adding to your insurance policy is coverage for towing and road assistants. You never know when your car will break down, and you need this kind of coverage, so why not always be prepared and add it to your insurance policy?

For a fee per month or even annually, you can sign up for towing and roadside assistance, so it is available when you need it the most.

Lowering Premiums

If you feel that you have overpaid for your current car insurance policy, it may be time to get a new insurance policy and learn some ways to reduce your monthly premiums, so adding more coverage options will help you not break the bank.

Raise Your Deductible

Raising your deductible is a good way to lower your monthly car insurance premiums. However, before doing this, you want to be sure that if something were to happen, you could still afford the required deductible.

Maintain a Safe Driving Record

Maintaining a safe and clean driving record is another way to keep your premiums under control. The more tickets and accidents you rack up, the more the insurance company sees you as a risk, which ultimately leads to much higher premiums. The safer you drive, the less you may ultimately pay in premiums.

Look for Low-Mileage Discounts

If you don’t drive a lot, you can definitely take advantage of low-mileage discounts that may be available to you through your insurance company. For more information, read through your policy or talk to your insurance company.

Contact us

If you still have questions and need help narrowing down your car insurance options, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals at Panorama.

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